“Conquer Dawn: Why Winning the Day Is Not Negotiable”
How many times have you awakened in the morning with a feeling of dissatisfaction about the previous day? Some will say few, some will say many; but all who are truthful will have had those days.
In the our daily waking moments, we often establish a default setting that will determine the course of every succeeding second for that day.
This is why it is essential for each of us to conquer dawn.
There is a reason why dawn is so quiet, layered by tranquility and serendipity. Every dawn, you are presented the gift to be alone with the natural world. Before the socialized world cranks up the noise with its bullshit excuses, judgement, and calamity. We defeat the conception of time only when we work in the space where time presents no intrinsic value to the rest. This moment is our only guarantee that this day can be considered a victory. In “The Richest Man In Babylon” it is declared that you must position yourself to prosper before Opportunity arises, as she is a haughty goddess that does not give chance to the unprepared. This opportunity must be conquered by you, before chance arrives to pester you. If not, chance will snatch the opportunity and present it to someone willing for a challenge.
Have you ever truly considered why the following do what they do:
•Why do the Navy SEALS wake up at 4:30am just to train?
•Why do monks escape to their monastery before the sun?
•Why do Lions sleep up to 20 hours, yet wake up before any other animal in the habitat?
The answers are explicit. To ensure our day isn’t corrupted by chance; we must live by design and not by the default.
By this design, the SEAL can control the battleground, the monk can advance his enlightenment, and lion can maintain being king of the jungle.
The rationale for you conquering dawn could stem from a myriad of places. Whether it’s exercising, gardening, creating, or praying; but they all must be contingent on denying self-negotiation. If there’s space to negotiate, it will never be accepted. Steven Pressfield says it best in his book “Turning Pro”, that the sure sign of an amateur is they have a million plans, but they all start tomorrow. You have a concrete wall of resistance that will psyche you the fuck out. Convincing it’s impossible to break through, but be assured that you have the power to bust open that wall whenever you choose.
Conquer dawn before the demons are graced by chance to congregate at their moment’s notice. You may be on your millionth plan, just make sure this time it starts today. Before the world wakes up to it.